Boss BD-2W Blues Driver


Waza-edition of the iconic BD-2 overdrive/distortion.

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SKU: 403873

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Passionately designed by the master engineers at Boss in Japan, the Waza Craft BD-2W delivers a premium stomp experience that fans of customized pedal tone will love. Crafted with an ear for highly refined sound, the BD-2W takes the classic Blues Driver grit to a new level with all-discrete analog circuitry. Standard mode captures the classic BD-2 tone while Custom mode delivers new body and sustain.


Highlights Special edition Waza Craft of the iconic BD-2 Blues Driver
Standard mode delivers original vintage BD-2 tone
Custom mode provides a tone with more body and sustain
Premium buffer for clean and clear tone when bypassed
Bypass Buffered bypass
Power consumption 9V DC center negative (power supply sold separately)
18 mA
Dimensions H: 5,7 cm
W: 6,4 cm
D: 11,9 cm
Weight 426 g
Manufacturer warranty BOSS five-year warranty
