Universal Audio UAFX Woodrow '55 Instrument Amplifier


Ampmodeller and cabsim based on vintage Fender Tweed amplifiers.

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SKU: 404889

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The UAFX Woodrow ’55 Instrument Amplifier pedal gives you the legendary American tweed tube amp sounds used by artists and producers for decades, from The Eagles to Chuck Berry to Neil Young.

Built on powerful dual-engine processing and UAD modeling expertise, the Woodrow ’55 effects pedal packs sweet cleans, rich overdrive, and grungy distortion.

Whether it’s replacing your amp rig and going direct to front‑of‑house on stage, or recording tracks into your DAW — Woodrow ’55 gives you the inspiring, album‑ready tones of an expertly miked “golden unit” vintage tweed amp, within seconds.

Take your rowdy tweed tones further using tried-and-true British speaker swaps and boosts — including preamps from the iconic KORG SDD-3000 rack unit and Maestro EP-3 tape delay — at the flip of a switch.* Only Woodrow ’55 puts authentic tube growl and hot‑rod mods under your chucks, docs, or crocs.


Bypass Selectable true bypass or buffered bypass
Power consumption 9V DC center negative (power supply sold separately)
400 mA
Dimensions H: 6,4 cm (incl. knobs)
W: 9,2 cm
D: 14,1 cm
Weight 567 g.
